Θετικές & Φυσικές Επιστήμες
- Open access to 1,004,673 e-prints in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Quantitative Biology, Quantitative Finance and Statistics Subject search and browse, http://arxiv.org/
- MathWebSearch is a complete system capable of crawling, indexing and searching mathematical data, https://trac.mathweb.org/MWS/wiki/SystemDescription
Επιστήμες Υπολογιστών, Πληροφορικής, Τηλεπικοινωνιών
- CiteSeerx is an evolving scientific literature digital library and search engine that has focused primarily on the literature in computer and information science, http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/index;jsessionid=CE8F095651C7C2F287F87DF758EAA8EC
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Γεωεπιστήμες και Επιστήμες Περιβάλλοντος
- The Strategic Guide to Quality Information in Biology, Climate Change, Medicine, and Psychology space, http://www.strategian.com/
Βιολογικές Επιστήμες
- The Biodiversity Heritage Library works collaboratively to make biodiversity literature openly available to the world as part of a global biodiversity community, http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/Default.aspx
- Bioline International is a not-for-profit scholarly publishing cooperative committed to providing open access to quality research journals published in developing countries, http://www.bioline.org.br/
- The Strategic Guide to Quality Information in Biology, Climate Change, Medicine, and Psychology space, http://www.strategian.com/
Άλλες Φυσικές Επιστήμες
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